Helena Your Personal Healer


Deep Profound Connection

Have you ever heard the advice, "Follow Your Heart"? More and more people are embracing this guidance because tapping into the heart offers a different wisdom than relying solely on the brain. The heart communicates the truth, whether it's through logic or emotions, depending on the nature of that truth.

Did you know that the heart has a network of 40,000 neurons, the same neurons found in the brain? Beyond its role in cardiac function, the heart can sense, feel, learn, and remember. This is why sayings like "He died of a broken heart" resonate with us; we intuitively recognize a deeper wisdom. Scientific research is unveiling the incredible capacities of the heart, revealing that it possesses a heart-brain capable of these cognitive functions. This groundbreaking understanding is expanding, shedding light on the complexities of the mind-heart connection.

Now, we comprehend why the mind and heart aren't always in agreement. Those who choose to listen to their hearts tend to feel more aligned and content with their choices. I'm here to assist you in tapping into this wisdom for genuine healing.

What the Heart Wants

What the Heart Wants: Love, Connection, and Belonging
The heart doesn’t just beat; it whispers your deepest desires. At its core, your heart longs for love, connection, and a sense of belonging. Whether it’s within your family, friendships, or romantic relationships, the heart seeks experiences that resonate with these core needs. But how do we fulfill them in our lives?


We all want to feel like we’re part of something bigger than ourselves—a family, a tribe, a purpose. Belonging is about finding your place in the world where you’re valued and accepted for who you are. 

How Do We Get There?
Healing the heart starts with listening. By reconnecting with the heart’s voice, we can identify what it truly wants and needs. I offer practical tools, energy healing, and personalized guidance to help you tap into your heart's wisdom. Together, we’ll work to dissolve past hurts, overcome fears, and open you up to the life you truly desire.


Healed relationships, inner peace, allowing, abundance, attraction, through healing naturally attract these things to you by allowing yourself to receive the goodness life has to offer you without heartache.


The heart craves unconditional love—not just in the form of romantic love, but also self-love, friendship, and familial bonds. To attract the love we seek outside ourselves, we must first cultivate it within. Healing facilitates this transformation, allowing us to become the source of the love we desire.

Romantic Love
Familial Love
Divine Love

Deep Connection

True connection goes beyond surface interactions; it’s about feeling truly seen and understood. The heart desires connections that are authentic, nurturing, and safe. By tuning into your heart’s wisdom, you can break down the barriers that keep you feeling isolated.


Our Trauma Doesn't Define Us

The Healing 

Our trauma does not define us; it’s simply a chapter, not the entire story. With healing, trauma can become a thing of the past—a distant memory rather than a daily burden. Imagine a life unshackled from pain, where your choices and actions come from a place of love, not wounds. Do you know who you are without your trauma? Healing offers the chance to rediscover yourself—whole, empowered, and free to live the life your heart truly desires.

See What the Heat Wants

Unlock a deeper understanding of your heart's true desires through the transformative power of energy healing.

Connect to What the Heart Wants

Design a life where your heart’s deepest desires aren’t just dreams—they’re your everyday reality, woven into the fabric of your existence.

The Heart Desires Are Part of the Natural Process

Your heart desires and passions are a normal part of life, manifesting those desires are natural, but it may take healing to get there.

Learn about inner peace, harmony, acceptance & love...

Energy healing naturally guides you into states of inner peace, harmony, acceptance, and love, which then manifest outwardly as fulfilling romantic relationships, greater wealth, a life of abundance and prosperity, and so much more!



Read About Helena's Supernatural Powers. 

One of the things that was a wow moment, was when she saw a son I had in a past lifetime and gave me his name. I've had dreams about a little boy with that name since I was a child and never understood why.

 My feelings of guilt, which were at a 10 on a scale where 10 is the strongest intensity, dropped to a 1, meaning the emotional trigger was gone. Janet A.

Working with Helena was amazing. I began to feel like my true self. J.M.

I slept better last night than I have in a very long time, and I woke up in a beautiful mood that lasted all day. My heart feels so much more open than it ever has! Would love to set up my next appointment. Ellen E.

Helena is different from other healers I've had experience with, in the past. The freedom I was seeking is mine now. If I feel the need, I will not hesitate to go to her for more healing. Susan B


Helena Dellarosa

From feeling lost and overwhelmed to becoming a beacon of healing, Helena Dellarosa’s journey is a testament to the life-changing power of energy work. Despite juggling two jobs, a rocky love life, and the weight of family trauma, Helena always felt called to something greater. It wasn’t until she stumbled upon energy healing—specifically, the MAP modality—that everything began to shift. Through her own deep healing work, she unraveled years of pain and fear, transforming the chaos of her life into a beautiful vision for the future.

But the real magic happened when Helena asked for her heart to open, which happened while studying the Adrien Blackwell Healing Method. She didn’t know exactly what heart opening meant, but during a powerful attunement, her heart chakra burst wide open, and she experienced an instant download of wisdom. This profound awakening gave birth to her signature approach, Heart Wisdom, a transformative energy healing method that empowers others to release old wounds, reconnect with their true selves, and step into their highest potential.

Today, Helena combines her innate gifts, psychic insights, and a deep understanding of energy healing to guide others through their darkest moments. She is not just a healer; she’s a catalyst for change, helping her clients break free from fear, find inner peace, and transform their lives.

Ready to experience a breakthrough? Book a session with Helena today and discover the transformative power of Heart Wisdom.


Helena Dellarosa specializes in opening your heart to your higher self's wisdom, tapping into its profound intuition, and clearing negative memories that linger in your conscious mind. In short, she clears traumatic triggers, often caused by family, that limit your ability to manifest the relationships and connections you desire in life. By lifting the burdens of self-blame and anxiety, Helena's approach goes beyond symptom relief. With her, you can gain clarity, happiness, and the discovery of your passion and purpose. Witness the natural side effects of this transformative process—finding love, boosting income, feeling secure, and enhancing overall health. These outcomes result from clearing the root causes of problems in your life!

Helena's Three-Month Healing Intensives: For those seeking a deeper transformation, Helena offers exclusive three-month-long healing intensives designed to create lasting change. These intensives provide personalized support and consistent healing sessions tailored to your unique needs, ensuring that you not only clear the blocks holding you back but also build the foundation for the life you’ve always dreamed of.

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