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Solo Email

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Learn to Listen to Your Heart's Wisdom for Soulmate Manifestation 💖

Ready to Call in the Love You Desire? 💖

Body of Email----------------------------------------------------  

In search of love? We all yearn for it, whether in romantic relationships, family, or the bonds we share with our pets. Love is a universal desire, yet for many, finding it can be elusive. Why does it seem so challenging?

It's time to discover the manual-the guide to attracting and preserving authentic, soulmate-kind love. Love is not out of reach; millions are currently basking in its warmth. Why not you?

I'm thrilled to announce my participation as a speaker in Helena's Heart Symposium, where we delve into learning how to Listen to Your Heart's Wisdom, undergo heart healing, and manifest your soulmate. I poured my heart into this interview, and I'm excited to share it with you. Join me and other revered experts for a 10-day free access event! Catch insights on love, surrendering to it, finding and healing through love, and unlocking the genuine connections you seek.

For singles yearning for that profound connection, don't miss this chance! Helena's Heart Wisdom Symposium is a treasure trove of wisdom, and Helena, a heart healer, curated this event to benefit you. She's graciously made it free for you, but your commitment is needed to attend. Make a promise to yourself, commit to your education around love, and in doing so, pave the way to finding the person you'll commit to. Register now. We'll see you on the other side.


Sending waves of love and light,


P.S. "Love is always within reach. If you or someone you know is on the journey to find love, remember that every step brings you closer. Share this message with someone who could use a reminder that love is a beautiful adventure waiting to unfold. 💖 #LoveJourney #YouDeserveLove"

Solo Email 2


Unlock the Power of Your Heart: Find Love Beyond Expectations 💖

Body of Email:

Dear [Name],

Craving a deeper connection and seeking true love? You're not alone.

Love has a unique way of finding us when we open our hearts to the possibility. If you're on the quest for meaningful connections, join me at Helena's Heart Wisdom Symposium. I'm thrilled to be a part of this incredible event, where esteemed speakers share insights on how to listen to your heart's wisdom, experience healing, and manifest the love you've been longing for.

Imagine a world where love flows effortlessly into your life, where heartache transforms into a source of strength, and where genuine connections become the norm. The symposium gathers revered experts to guide you on this transformative journey.

I'm inviting you to a 10-day free access pass, granting you the opportunity to absorb the wisdom of these renowned speakers, including myself. Let's explore the realms of love, healing, and connection together.

Whether you're single and seeking your soulmate or looking to deepen existing connections, this symposium is a beacon of light. Don't miss the chance to discover the keys to a heart-led life. Register now to embark on this transformative journey.


Love and light,

[Your Name]

P.S. Share this invitation with someone who's ready to embrace the journey of love. Together, let's open our hearts to the extraordinary possibilities that await. JOIN ME HERE

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LinkedIn Post:

Embark on a transformative journey at Helena's Heart Wisdom Symposium! Join me and other revered speakers as we explore the power of your heart, experience healing, and manifest love beyond expectations. 🌟💖 #HeartWisdom #LoveTransforms #SoulmateJourney

Facebook Post:

Exciting news! I'll be part of Helena's Heart Wisdom Symposium, where we delve into the magic of the heart, heal, and unlock the secrets to manifesting profound love. Ready to join me on this journey? 🚀💖 #HeartWisdom #LoveTransforms #SoulmateMagic

Instagram Post:

Dive into the realms of love and healing at Helena's Heart Wisdom Symposium. I'm thrilled to be among phenomenal experts sharing insights on the heart's wisdom and manifesting soulmate connections and divine unions. 🌈💖 #HeartWisdom #LoveTransforms #SoulmateAdventure #HelenasHeartWisdom #spiritualsymposium #soulmatelove 

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Devorah Spilman

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Truly Eleanor

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Aiswarya Soul Goddess

Lisa Holt

Kristen Numen

Hanna Bier

Fallon Jordan

Kelly Boyer

Patricia Elizabeth

Jeanne Sullivan Billeci

Anne Deidre

Debra Giusti

Alana McKenzie Page

Amelia Fortes

Alison Smith Martin

Dr. Willow Brown

Jacqui Olliver

Jonita Dsouza

Kim Von Berg

Leah Piper

Terrie Huberman

Zeeba Khan

Helena Dellarosa

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