Peggy Black

Peggy Black, Transducer, Scribe and Witness; author, lecturer with forty-five years experience in the healing field. Sacred Sound Salutarist, Peggy uses powerful core sounds for vibrational healing. Peggy is a Multidimensional Channel whose gifts as a clairsentient, clairvoyant and clairaudient intuitive allow her to assist individuals to live empowered, abundant lives. Peggy receives transmissions from her “team” called the Morning Messages. These free messages invite others to honor their multidimensional Self. Over 60,000 global subscribers who have received these messages.

She has conducted morning forums at Tom Kenyon’s Sound Healer’s Trainings. Ceremonialist for the sacred water ceremony, Ocean of Gratitude Cruise with Dr. Masaru Emoto. Presented World Congress of Illumination with Patricia Cota-Rhobles. She offers webinars and free monthly internet programs.

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