Kim Von Berg and Hanna Bier

Relationship counselor & love coach, Kim Von Berg, specializes in healthy romantic partnerships. As an authority in love & empowered relationships, Kim is a sought-after speaker, trainer, counselor and coach, who assists clients toward a life of fulfilling love & relationships. For twenty-seven years, Kim has been unwavering in her commitment to help singles and couples experience the greatest of love possible - and her business Thriving Loving Relationships has been flourishing since 1997!

In addition, Kim is a Calling in “The One" certified coach and is a Faculty coach for the bestselling author, Katherine Woodward Thomas. Kim masterfully guides singles through her private Calling in “The One” program to help them break up old patterns that have kept healthy love at bay – and shows them how to step into being magnetic to happy long-lasting love.

Kim has a master’s degree in Humanistic Psychology, is a certified coach with the International Coach Federation (ICF), holds a California secondary teaching credential as well as a certification as a Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) Practitioner. She gained her notoriety twenty years ago as a Communication Specialist the skills of which she still weaves throughout all of her coaching & counseling.

Hanna Bier works with ambitious women all over the world to recreate their relationship with money in a life-affirming, positive and loving way.

As an energy healer, family-constellation expert and certified life coach, she has woven her diverse skill set into a proven, and innovative capacity to allow her clients to transform their relationship with money from the inside out. Hanna spent seven years trying to answer the question: Is it possible to create wealth without compromising our health, wellness and/or happiness. Can we actually create abundant lives while living a life of joy?

Happily, the answer is a resounding YES. And this is the work she now does with clients.

Her clairvoyant abilities allow her to quickly discover the deepest money blocks in people's energy systems. Once these blocks are released through her proprietary methodology, abundance opens up in an entirely new, magical (and sometimes awe inspiring) way. Hanna’s clients soar… rising to new levels of success... seemingly overnight... and become the radiant leaders their communities deserve, while enjoying a new sense of overflow, lightness, ease, fulfillment and joy in every aspect of their lives. (Because abundance IS.)

Hanna recently published her new book Wealth From Within which can be ordered at

When she’s not performing her variety of magic, Hanna enjoys the balance of motherhood, living throughout Europe and spending time with her young daughter. Baking brings her joy. So does eating 😉

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