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60-Minute 1:1 Strategy Session with Kim Cruz: Transform Your Business into an Authentic, Heartfelt, Thriving Enterprise

Are you ready to elevate your business to new heights and align it with your authentic self? In this 60-minute 1:1 strategy session with Kim Cruz, you'll receive personalized guidance tailored to your unique needs, challenges, and aspirations. 

Exclusive Offer - Di Challenor Healing and Reading Sessions: Sacred Geometry healing session and mini psychic-tarot reading to enlighten your path by releasing emotional and physical trauma and stress. These sessions help clear blocks, negative emotions, and self-talk, guiding you toward a positive new chapter in life. Experience deeper peace and manifest with ease as you naturally heal and embrace the best version of yourself.

Judith Corvin-Blackburn Special discount for Empowering the Spirit Online:

A Self-Directed Course to Unleash Your Soul’s Full Potential Empowering the Spirit ONLINE will unleash your full soul potential, take you more fully into both your authentic self and your sacred purpose, and activate your co-creative abilities in a way that not only transforms your life, but life on our planet. 

You will be guided through a deep process of transformation to explore the psychological and spiritual issues that have propelled your life and be given numerous tools to shift any dysfunction that stands in your way of achieving optimal health in body, mind, emotion and Spirit.

Lorree Appleby's Offer: Taking care of our energy hygiene is becoming highly important as we ascend to higher states of consciousness through heart-led living. 

The Radical Healing to Be Real and Love Life Online Self-Study Coaching Program is your foundational go-to resource to shift your judgments and resentments into acceptance, gratitude and peace so you can Be Real and Love Life! Radical Living is proven spiritual technology that will transform your life as it has for many 1000’s of others. In this 8-week self-study training course you will be guided to identify your subconscious patterns keeping you stuck so you can apply the teachings and simple-to-use tools to your real-life situations. Learn and experience the healing and empowerment processes of Radical Forgiveness & Radical Self-Forgiveness to release guilt & shame as they arise.

Rosanna RozyGlow Hanness Part reading, part healing, part channeling- for when you desire an immediate shift in whatever you are facing. This is the communication superhighway between your human self and soul self facilitated through me as your channel in a 120 minute 121 that activates your soul frequency within you, brings you clarity regarding your best options available, clears up resistance to your highest path, downloads the healing codes to move you forward in your optimal direction AND gifts you an audio recording of your unique CoCreation meditation Reality Crafting process, so you can break through wherever you feel lost, confused or stuck in your life. You will also have me check in with you through voice messaging up to one week after the session so you have the support to integrate what comes up.

Emmi Mutale's Offer: Three session healing bundle to work with Emmi one-on-one at a real deep level to release wounding that blocks you from being who you are meant to be.

Read more here - https://jonitadsouza.com/dark-feminine & receive a $50 off with coupon code - HELENA50OFF

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